Valentine's Day is over and we still need our HEARTS to work for us.
I want to offer you advice to get your body moving in the right direction to achieve healthy organs that will sustain your life. EVERYONE has a physical "thing" that they enjoy doing. It can be walking, vacuuming, dancing, jumping rope, swimming -- anything that you do for a continuous amount of time. If you're just starting out, you only have to do this exercise 2-3 days a week. You can incorporate it into your day and "trick" your mind into making your body do the work!!! Feel free to choose something that excites you such as walking, or dancing in the kitchen to your favorite CD. Enjoy creating a healthier life for yourself!
I am starting with a jumprope. I will incorporate it into my day for at least 10-15 min. continuously.
I know this is something that may be challenging, but I am confident that we can do it! Please look at the TIPS listed below before you begin increasing your activity.
- Calculate your MAXIMUM HEART RATE=( 220 - Your Age)
- One should work out at 55-90% of Maximum Heart Rate.
- Beginners should work at the low end and increase intensity as recommended
- Calculate your TARGET HEART RATE=(Max. Heart Rate) x (55% - 90%)
- Example: A 35 year old beginner has a 185 Max. Heart Rate [ 220-35(age)=185MHR]
- Example: A 35 year old beginner has a 111 Target Heart Rate during exercise [185 x 60%=111THR during exercise]